Meet The Grower

Meet The Grower

Beginning with this month’s newsletter, we’ll be profiling our growers so you can get to know the people who help grow your food. If you follow us on social media, you know that educating people about growing is important to us and we live by the hashtag, #KnowYourFarmerKnowYourFood. We’re starting with our two youngest growers since they’ll be headed back to school in a few weeks, but our team includes all ages. We can’t wait for you to meet them all.

Yashvita K.

Yashvita is a local high school student who has been involved with the farm for two years now. When we asked her what drew her to farm work, she told us, “the work is so fulfilling; I feel like I’m giving back in such a wholesome way! It’s also super therapeutic.”

Yashvita reluctantly chose tomatoes as her favorite vegetable (we forced her to only choose one!) and the jobs she’s best at are transplanting and harvesting. She’s not a fan of weeding but agreed that “sometimes you really need that kind of outlet!”

In her free time, Yashvita likes to write and hang out with her friends, but she’s also studying botany and herbalism. She grows and works with flowers and herbs in her own garden at home.

If you catch Yashvita in the field, she’s most likely listening to true crime podcasts, the Glass Animals, or k-pop.

Jackson C.

Jackson is part of the Coleman family and is currently a student at Cleveland State. He jokingly told us that he got involved with the farm becasue it “pays the bills,” and that his favorite vegetable is “the green one.”

Jackson is great at weeding but tragically, it’s also his least favorite job. In his free time, he says he likes to “play board games with family about farming, like Agricola and Viticulture.”

We asked Jackson to share something that others don’t know about him, but — always the enigma — he simply responded, “well, if I said it then people would know that about me.” After that, we had to spend some time in deep thought on the validity of the question. Thank goodness Jackson wasn’t the first interview!

Join us next month to meet two more of our growers, Carter and Sam!